Tree Species Adaptation Risk Management Project: Final Report

This report describes, in general terms, the activities and outcomes of each subproject implemented as part of the overall three‐year Tree Species Adaptation Risk Management (TSARM) project. Tree Improvement Alberta (TIA) submitted annual progress reports to the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation describing in detail the ongoing and completed activities, as previously stipulated in the project implementation plan. Unlike the annual progress reports, this final project report is written in a format that facilitates easy public access and knowledge dissemination. The work and outcome of subprojects involving extended statistical and genetic analyses and synthesis have been developed into independent reports linked to in this report. Likewise, the major project activities and outcomes and their linkage to provincial climate change adaptation policy have been compiled into an independent document that can be cited and distributed to stakeholders and the public. In addition, TIA has compiled CPP‐specific outcome reports to be submitted to the owners of the tree improvement programs to allow them to integrate project results into their future program planning and management.